On October 9th, the KSU TAB Team rolled out our refreshed webpage.
A New Cleaner Look: We swept through every corner of our webpage to create a more dynamic and visually appealing look. We think you will like it.
Easier Navigation: Whether you are looking for an Event or a resource to help you on topics of brownfields redevelopment, we have made our search features easier to use.
KSU TAB had over 3500 Events and Resources on our previous webpage. We wanted ensure finding what you need was so daunting so we have limited the number of Events and Resources we included on the new webpage. But don't worry, you will still have access to everything for the time being.
If you are looking for an Event that occurred before January 01, 2023 visit our Events Archive.
If you are looking for a resource you know exists but just are not able to find it, visit our Resources Archive.
Let's get you logged into your Account!
Previous Users: If you previously had a KSU TAB Account you will have to reset your password the first time you log in. We've created an easy to follow guide on Resetting your KSU TAB password.
New Users: If this is your first time creating an account, you can Sign Up from the Login Page located at the top right of the webpage.